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Procedure 8450.1 - French Immersion Programming



In Early Immersion, kindergarten to grade 2, all classroom subjects are taught in French. English Language Arts is introduced from grades 3 to 7. In grade 6 Late Immersion, all classroom subjects are taught in French. English Language Arts is re-introduced in grade 7.
Students in grade 8, 9, and 10 French Immersion will normally receive 50% of their instruction in French. The secondary Immersion program at grades 11 and 12 will meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education statement for the bilingual Dogwood Certificate.
Certificates will be awarded to elementary students upon successful completion of grade 7, and to secondary students upon successful completion of grade 12.
Organization and placement of French Immersion classes within the school building should parallel wherever possible the organization and placement of English classes in the interest of maintaining a “dual-track” arrangement. Program continuity will be assured, numbers permitting, for all students who begin French Immersion instruction.
Schools should encourage interaction between French Immersion and English students in school-based activities so that both benefit from cultural activities related to the program and learning. Late Immersion classes will be organized so that students are not normally required to change schools between Grades 6 and 7.
Communication activities concerning the program will include orientation meetings, district-initiated consultation meetings, and school newsletters.
Support and inclusive education services will be organized and delivered in accordance with guidelines set by the Ministry of Education and the collective agreements in effect between employees and the district. The Surrey Board of Education will provide support services to French Immersion programs in accordance with Ministry of Education and school district policy.
Notwithstanding the above, the district reserves the right to organize the program in such a way to address efficiencies in space and resource allocation, and effective staff utilization that is in accordance with Collective Agreements. See Policy #9320 – Registration and Placement of Students.



Entry to Immersion programs at any grade level other than K (early Immersion) or grade 6 (late Immersion) will be on the basis of:
a)Available space.
b)Previous experience on French Immersion.
c)Language competency and the student’s learning needs, as determined by the principal in consultation with district program personnel and the teacher(s) concerned, and within staffing allocations.
In the early Immersion program, grade 1 entry may occur in situations where:
a)Space is available.
b)It was not possible to offer a K class the previous year due to insufficient numbers of scarcity of staff.
See also Regulation #9320.1, Part H.
Notwithstanding Regulation #9320.1, the priority from enrollment among competing students into the Early Immersion program for grade 1 will be:
a)Siblings of students already enrolled in an Immersion Program in the same school.
b)Children already enrolled in Kindergarten in an Immersion Program at another school.
c)Children on a waiting list for Kindergarten Immersion at the same school.
French Immersion programs are K-12 and 6-12 in nature.
The organization of teaching and learning in French Immersion classrooms is designed to accommodate the diversity of student learning needs. Sometimes, however, students and parents wish to leave the French Immersion program to transfer to the regular program.
The process for exiting the program will involve consultation with the parents and appropriate school and district personnel including but not limited to the school based team.
For transfer students, placement in appropriate courses will be made by the principal in the best interest of the student.
Re-entry into Immersion programs will be based upon considerations which will include program continuity and linguistic competence, as verified by the teacher and a district representative. See also Regulation #9320.1, Part H.



A letter will be sent by district office to parents with children in the French Immersion program, to facilitate early registration of siblings.
A letter will be sent by district office to parents of grade 5 students explaining Late Immersion and the registration procedures.
Registration procedures and details will be publicized through the local media.
Kindergarten registration will be administered through a web-based system. Placements in programs of choice will be allocated by lottery via the web- based registration system.
Late French Immersion registration will be taken at the school housing the program.



Attendance areas will be established on a regional basis.
As per Regulation #9320.1, Part H: Registration and Wait List Regulations for District Programs.
  • Registration procedures and open registration dates for each district program are published by the district in the local newspapers in January for the following September.
  • Sibling registrations take place in December prior to the open registration date for initial entrance into the program. After the open registration date, siblings no longer receive preference. (A sibling is defined as one of two or more individuals having one common parent, or for whom parents have legal guardianship.) In order to receive preference, siblings must be attending the same school at the time of registration.
  • Where, in a dual track situation, one child is in the district program, other siblings not in the district program may register in the regular program of the school based on space availability and the capacity of the school to respond to that student’s unique learning needs.
b)Waiting Lists
  • The process for waiting lists will not commence before the 1st of January preceding the start of the school year.
  • Parents of children who are on a waiting list for Kindergarten for the current school year have until February 28th of the Kindergarten year to notify the school that they wish to be placed on a waiting list for Grade 1 Immersion.
  • On March 1st a new Grade 1 Immersion waiting list is created. Children who were previously wait listed and whose parents contacted the school to continue with placement receive priority over applications received later.
  • Schools are required to inform parents of the opportunity to stay on the waiting list. However, in consideration of language acquisition challenges and student learning needs entry into Grade 1 Immersion is closed after the issuing of the first term report card.
  • Once a student transfers out of the program, parents must re-apply for re-entry at a later date.
  • See also Part F of Regulation #9320.1
Requests for transfer from one school to another depend on space availability at the schools involved.

X-Ref: Reg. #9320.1
Revised: 2015-06-05
Approved: 1986-12

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