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Policy 10810 - School Fund Raising By/For External Agencies

The purpose of this policy is to provide directions regarding the solicitation of funds by external organizations and/or the raising of funds for such agencies in district schools. “External agencies” in this context includes individuals and private or public organizations.
The Surrey Board of Education will not make any outright grants to any external agency. As a general rule, the participation of pupils and employees in fund raising or promotions by external agencies through the school system is to be avoided. However, the solicitation of contributions by recognized humanitarian, charitable or cultural agencies is acceptable, providing the superintendent of schools has given prior approval.
Individual schools may participate in or hold fund-raising activities for an acceptable agency or purpose when the activity would be a desirable school project, and the principal and staff are willing to supervise the activity and accept fiscal responsibility.
Where approval is given by the principal for individual schools, or by the superintendent for district schools as a whole, to participate in fund raising by or for an external agency, the participation of pupils and employees is to be strictly voluntary.

X-Ref.:Policy #10805

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