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High School Completion

It's never too late to complete high school. 草莓社区 offers a variety of options for students of all ages to complete secondary school or its equivalent and to meet their individual needs. Students can take academic courses to:

  • Complete the requirements for a BC Adult or High School Completion Diploma 
  • Meet post-secondary entrance requirements
  • Spend extra time on a difficult course
  • Improve marks or repeat a failed course

Contact your nearest adult education center or Surrey Academy of Innovative Learning for more information.

High School Completion programs

Grades 10, 11 and 12

  • Courses are offered in a variety of subject areas, including English, humanities, mathematics, business education and sciences. Students take these courses to complete a Graduation Diploma, to prepare for post-secondary studies or to upgrade current marks.

Grades 10, 11 and 12 courses are offered at Invergarry Adult Education Centre.

Grades 11 and 12 courses are offered at Queen Elizabeth Adult Education Centre.

Graduation diplomas

Dogwood Diploma:

Students who graduate from regular high school receive a Dogwood diploma. This may be a viable option for students who are just a few credits short of graduation. An advisor can assist with determining which classes to choose for the 2018 graduation program.

Adult Graduation:

The Adult Dogwood is a fast, efficient route to graduation and readiness for post-secondary education or the workplace. Students must be 18 or older.

Visit the Continuous Learning department website.

Online study option (SAIL Academy):

Surrey Academy of Innovative Learning offers adult students the ability to either upgrade their regular Dogwood Diploma, or to complete their Adult Dogwood Diploma. Adult students can benefit from the flexibility of online education. There are more than 100 online and text-based courses offered, including advanced placement sciences and math. All courses have online teacher support as well as face-to-face teacher tutorials. There is also online conferencing, lab work, group study and personalized instruction.

For more information visit the .

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