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Policies, Procedures, and Code of Conduct

Educationfuture.jpgWe believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe, caring, and orderly environment - a place where they can develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Our Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behaviour when students are on their way to or from school, at school, on our playgrounds, or away from our school at any school-sponsored function. One of our goals is to help students become responsible, self-regulated, and cooperative citizens.                   

We understand that inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

  • interfering with learning of others, including their physical and emotional well-being
  • bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, threats, intimidation, marginalizing, and violence
  • verbal, physical, or sexual abuse
  • discrimination, theft, and vandalism
  • retribution against a person who has reported the misbehaviour of others
  • misusing cyberspace, cell phones, electronic devices, or computers
  • possession, use, or distribution of illegal or restricted substances such as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes
  • possession or use of weapons (including replicas), fireworks, or explosives                           


Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, respecting individual rights, responsibilities, age, and maturity. There will be increased expectations for behaviour as students mature through successive grades.         

Inappropriate behaviour typically has the following consequences:                           

  • review of expectations followed by a warning, a timeout, a verbal or written apology, school service, loss of privileges and/or a group assignment/project 
  • parents are informed via a behavior slip and may include a phone call and/or a meeting
  • short-term (in school or at home) suspension up to 5 days
  • long-term suspension (over 5 days) or referral to a district program
  • consultation with the police and/or other agencies
  • expulsion
  • reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has reported a breach of the code of conduct


As circumstances warrant, the school has a responsibility to advise other parties following a behaviour incident:

  • parents or guardians of student exhibiting major misbehaviours (in every instance)
  • parents or guardians of student on the receiving end of major misbehaviours (in every instance)
  • assistant superintendent, Safe Schools team member and/or other District Staff
  • ministerial agencies and/or school liaison officer (RCMP)

Dress Code:

Students' clothing should reflect good taste and judgment. The following guidelines should help parents and students understand our expectations regarding student dress. We believe that school should be treated as "their place of business". Students shouldbeappropriatelydressedfortheactivityinwhichtheyareinvolvedandfortheweatherconditions. Clothingshouldnot be offensive to others or otherwise detract from the learning situation.

Students should NOT wear the following:

  • t-shirts with negatives or inappropriate symbols, pictures, or slogans
  • visible undergarments
  • hats and hoods inside a public building                             

Personal Digital Devices are defined as any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatch. These devices are important tools which can be used to enhance learning and prepare children for the world in which they will work and live. Personal digital devices provide support for children who rely on these tools to access learning through services such as translation, adaptations for Individual Education Plans, medical support, health needs, or to provide equity of access to resources. The teacher is responsible for the learning environment in the classroom, for guiding children to use personal digital devices appropriately, and for determining when personal digital devices should be used. The safe and responsible use of personal digital devices is expected by all Surrey School District students, employees, volunteers, parents, guardians, and community members who are on district property or interacting with students or staff. This includes the following:

  • Those using personal digital devices need to abide by the school code of conduct as well as all Provincial and Federal laws and the British Columbia Human Rights Code. This includes not using personal digital devices to engage or participate in bullying or harassment, discrimination, or defamation of character.
  • At both elementary and secondary schools, personal digital devices can be used during class time to enhance learning at the direction of the classroom teacher. These devices should be used in a way that is respectful of other’s learning and does not distract others in terms of light, sound, or by other means.
  • At elementary schools, it is expected that personal digital devices are to be put away during non-class time such as recess and lunch. Exceptions to this are for students who need digital devices for medical or health reasons, translation, accessibility, or other student-specific reasons.
  • Personal Digital Devices should not be used during lock down procedures or drills. The use of personal digital devices during this time may impact the emergency safety response.
  • Surrey School District staff and students should not be recorded, visually or audibly, for any reason without their prior consent.
  • The Surrey School District is not responsible for lost, missing, or damaged personal digital devices that students choose to bring to school.

No Nuts PleaseThere are quite a few students and a staff member that have life-threatening allergies to tree nuts. Please do not send any food items to school with your children that would include tree nuts, such as Nutella. In many classrooms, peanut butter can also be quite dangerous for some of our students. Thank you for your understanding.

No Dogs Please:
Bylaws state that dogs are not to be on school property. While we understand that dog owners love their pets, please remember that some students and adults are afraid of dogs, especially larger ones.      

Bikes & Wheels:
We love having students ride bikes, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, etc. to school but please make sure all of your children are getting off their 'wheels' when they get on the school grounds. Helmets are required for all 'wheel riders' as well.

Use of School Telephones:
Students are always able to make any emergency calls home from the office, if required, and we are more than happy to get important messages to your child during the school day. Students need to make any 'social' plans ahead of time and not from the school phone.

Classroom Technology and Resource Materials:           

Student's school iPads, computers, textbooks, library books, and classroom materials are very expensive. It isessentialthatstudentstreatallofourlearningresourcesandclassroommaterialswithgreatcare. Itisthe responsibility of the student to always keep track of their technology, textbooks, and library books.






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