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PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)

All About PAC:

What are the PAC executive positions? The PAC executive positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary are filled annually.  All PAC executive positions are elected every year and must be filled so that the PAC qualifies to apply for grant money.  All PAC positions are volunteer.

Who Where What and When and How about PAC meetings? Each month that school is in session all parents or guardians are welcomed to participate in a PAC meeting.  Meetings are generally held once a month and are held virtually and in person (alternate). Our PAC is responsible for funding many learning tools that students at Mountainview use on a daily basis; from Montessori materials, library books and computers to in school and off site presentations and field trips.  At meetings parents can learn more about happenings around the school, fundraising efforts and further opportunities for volunteerism in the school. If you are looking for more information on how to get involved please contact members of your PAC executive by email: mountainviewpac@gmail.com

How can I keep updated about info, meetings and volunteer opportunities?  You can follow the PAC Facebook (Search Mountainview Community) and Instagram (Search Mountainview Community) pages. 

Is there a PAC information board? Yes! It is located just inside the main doors of building A on the right.

Do we participate in fundraising events?  Yes! You can find information on our ongoing fundraisers @

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