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Student Handbook

Attendance and Punctuality

To help ensure the safety of your child, the following procedures are in place:  

  1. If your child is going to be absent or late, please phone and inform the school office at (604) 538-1770. Please leave a voicemail message indicating the reason for the absence if you are calling outside of office hours. Pupils are expected and encouraged to be at school in time for the school opening.  If for some reason a pupil arrives late, he/she must report to the office so that we know the pupil has arrived.  Otherwise, the parent(s) will be unnecessarily contacted by one of our office staff.
  2.  No child will be dismissed with anyone other than his/her parent or guardian or emergency contact, unless otherwise arranged.
  3.  Children going home during the day are not to do so without the school personnel phoning home first.  Children must be signed out at the office by their parent/guardian before leaving the school.

Regular attendance and being on time are two key factors in your child’s school life. Not only is this important to your child’s learning, it is an important life skill. The first half hour of the school day is when teachers outline activities and discuss their expectations for the day.  It is crucial that students be present for these important instructions, so we urge you to ensure that your children arrive at school on time each morning.

The front door of the school is reserved for staff, parents and guests.  Students are expected to enter and exit by their designated classroom doorway.


In the interest of student safety, all adults visiting the school, for any reason, must sign in at the office and pick up a visitor badge. We would ask you to respect the business of learning in the school and do not disturb classes while school is in session.



Due to the limited space in our parking lot, we ask that visitors to our school use the lot at the front of the school which has a space for parking close to the road. The right-hand side of the front lot is a “Drop and Go” section only. If no spots are available for parking, please park on the road. Visitors needing access to the handicapped parking stall may come into the main parking lot. 

Volunteer Drivers 

The School Board provides one million dollars liability insurance for all volunteer and staff drivers. To ensure you are covered our school policy insists that all volunteer drivers fill out a Volunteer Driver Form and show a valid B.C. driver’s license and car insurance before driving any student to a school sponsored event. Volunteer Driver Forms will be kept on file in the office, and you must ensure the information on them is current before driving students. Please fill out a Volunteer Driver form at the beginning of each year.

Parent Advisory Council 

Ocean Cliff Elementary has a Parent Advisory Council that meets once a month. These meetings are open to all parents. The purpose of the Council is to foster communication and cooperation among parents, teachers and administration in order to build a strong school community.   

Hot Lunch Program 

Our PAC offers a hot lunch program on a weekly basis. More information will be sent out in September. If your child is absent on a Hot Lunch day and you would like to pick up his/her lunch, please call the office in the morning before 11:00 a.m. with instructions. You may come to the school to pick up the lunch between 12:20 p.m. and 12:45 p.m.

Health & Safety

Emergency Preparedness

As our school is in an earthquake zone, safety procedures have been put in place in the event that this or a similar emergency situation should occur.  First Aid supplies and search and rescue equipment are stored at the school. Each student’s personal information that is provided regarding family/emergency contacts etc., are organized by classroom at the beginning of each school year. Any questions should be directed to the PAC Emergency Preparedness representative. Ocean Cliff has its own Emergency Preparedness Manual which outlines the procedures to be followed before, during and after an earthquake.  

As required by the Ministry and District policies, our school will be practicing earthquake drills as well as fire and lockdown drills.  


Parents should be aware that in the interest of student safety:

  • No student will be allowed to leave without a parent or individual designated by the parent.
  • No student will be allowed to leave with anyone other than his/her parent unless we have written permission to that effect, or, that person is listed on the student’s contact list.

We do ask for your help in the following areas:

  • During an emergency, please do not call the school. We must have lines open for emergency calls.
  • Following an earthquake or other emergency, do not immediately drive to the school. Streets may be cluttered with debris. The school access route and entrance must remain open for emergency vehicles. 

Medical Alerts

It is your responsibility to notify the school and to fill out a Medical Alert form if your child has a life threatening condition. Medical Alert forms are available at the school office and must be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis.

Head Lice

Please notify the school if someone in your family has Head Lice, Scabies, or any contagious condition. You will be notified if a contagious condition is spreading through your child’s class.

Nut Allergies

Several students at our school have serious nut allergies. In fact, several classes aim to be “Peanut Free”, as these allergies are life-threatening.  We appeal to you to become aware and avoid situations whereby a child’s health is at risk. Thank you. 


Reporting to Parents

During the year, there are three formal summative reports and two informal reports. Ocean Cliff is committed to providing ongoing communication about a child's learning.  As curriculum changes and evolves, so do assessment and reporting practices. Many teachers integrate technology and more immediate forms of feedback to students and parents.  Our goal is to provide students and parents with more information about a child's learning. Students and parents will be provided with a variety of ways to discuss/communicate a child's learning and discuss any questions or concerns relating to academic or social/emotional growth.  Often, conferences take place on early dismissal days which are communicated to parents on the school calendar but can also occur by request of either the parent(s) or teacher. 

The two informal reports may be done in a variety of ways. Reporting may be done by conference, telephone discussions, visit to the classroom, special classroom presentation, report home or student-led conferences to name just a few. The means of informal reporting are left up to the individual teacher. The school’s aim, at all times, is to work closely with the home to ensure the best possible learning environment for your child.   Parents are encouraged to set up a conference early in the year to share information that will help students have a successful year. 

Code of Conduct


Ocean Cliff’s Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behaviour while under the jurisdiction of the school, or while at any school-sponsored function. We believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe, caring and orderly environment and will maintain an attitude that is cooperative, courteous and respectful. Our aim is to encourage students to reach their full potential and to become successful learners and responsible citizens.


It is expected that students will:

  • help themselves to learn and to help others to learn.
  • do their best.
  • treat others with kindness and respect.
  • take care of their property and school property.
  • represent Ocean Cliff Elementary in a positive way at all times.

Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour while at school, or attending school-related activities (both on and off school grounds) has an impact on the learning environment. There will be rising expectations of behaviour as students mature. It is important to note that the acceptable and unacceptable behaviours that follow are not all-inclusive lists:

Encouraged Behaviour:

• Follow school safety rules, including gym and class

• Be respectful of yourself, others, school property and the environment

• Interact responsibly and respectfully with all others (students, staff, parents)

• Stay in designated areas of the school grounds

• Cooperate by listening to others and talking to find solutions (using WITS)

• Learn to the best of your ability

• Be supportive of others


Unacceptable Behaviour:

• Verbal or written threats, intimidation or harassment of others

• Making fun of/or belittling others

• Acting in dangerous ways towards peers or adults

• Fighting, kicking, throwing objects and/or physically harming others

• Unauthorized use of electronic devices on school property

• Littering, destroying, or vandalizing school property

• Defiant behaviour, insolence



 Safe and caring schools are free from acts of:

• Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and gossip

• Threats and intimidation

• Violence in any form

• Abuse in any form (verbal, physical, sexual)

• Intolerance and discrimination in any form, (i.e. based on an individual or group’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, age, sex, sexual preference, gender identity or expression)

• Retribution against a person who has reported incidents


Safe and caring schools do not tolerate the presence of:

• Theft, destruction, or vandalism

• Banned Substances (alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, or drugs)

• Weapons or replica weapons (toy) or explosives (i.e. fireworks)

• Intruders or trespassers (all visitors must report to the office, have a clear purpose, stay with signor)

• Inappropriate clothing including offensive slogans, or words printed on clothing


Safe and caring schools do not tolerate the misuse of:

• Cyberspace, cell phones, electronic devices, computers. Devices are only to be used for education related activities as directed by school staff

• Personal devices (school is not liable for loss, damage, or theft; items should remain in a safe place)

• Recording of visual images for personal use 


Consequences will take into account a student’s age, maturity and special needs (i.e. intellectual, physical, emotional or behavioural), and severity and frequency of actions. Consequences will be applied to unacceptable behaviour in accordance with the Surrey School District Safe and Caring Schools Disciplinary Guide. 

Consequences will focus on being restorative rather than punitive in nature. Depending on these and other factors, one or more of the following actions may be taken:

• Parents informed and appropriate home consequence arranged

• Review of expectations and restorative action where possible

• Loss of privileges or preferred activities

• Referral for counselling, behavioural support and/or additional supervision

• Short term suspension up to 5 days (in school at the office or at home)

• Long term suspension over 5 days or referral to a district program

• Consultation with police and/or Safe Schools Department.

• Expulsion



Ocean Cliff’s administration and staff have a responsibility to advise parties as follows:

• Parents/guardians of student exhibiting major behavioural problem

• Parents/guardians of student on the receiving end of an incident

• Assistant Superintendent, Safe Schools and/or other District staff

• Ministerial agencies and/or School Liaison Officer (RCMP)

Other School Rules:

Safety and Security

  • The front door of the school is reserved for staff, parents and guests. Students are expected to enter and exit by the designated doorway.
  • Students arriving late or leaving early must report to the office.
  • Students must remain withing school boundaries at recess and lunch breaks. Loitering or playing near the front of the school, parking, bicycle racks or forested area is not allowed. 
  • Students are not permitted to climb trees or fences. 
  • All riders of bicycles must wear helmets. Bicycles are not to be ridden on school grounds, including the parking lot, during the school day.  Bicycles are to be walked on the grounds and in the crosswalk. Park bicycles only in assigned areas. Always lock your bicycle to the bicycle rack.
  • If you come to school on a skateboard, scooter or rollerblades, you must carry your skateboard/scooter or remove your rollerblades (and put on shoes) as soon as you reach school property. You are not to use these items on the school grounds before or during school hours
  • The wearing of caps or hats and the chewing of gum or sunflower seeds will not be permitted inside the school. Exceptions may be authorized by staff members. 


  • Electronic devices (such as Cell Phones, iPads etc.) should be left at home unless special permission has been given by the classroom teacher. The school will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items. 
  • The BC Ministry of Education will be issuing new guidelines for student device use at school in late 2024, we will follow these guidelines when implemented. 
  • Students are bound by the School District’s “Acceptable Use Policy”.  Therefore, taking photos or videos is not permitted. If these devices are brought to school, they need to remain in the classroom during recess and lunch recess.

Personal Belongings

  • Students should not bring toys, collectibles, sports equipment or other personal belongings to school unless they have permission from their teacher.
  • The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal belongings.

Responsible Play

  • Students are expected to exercise good judgement to play safely and respectfully. 
  • Students must obey the directions of Supervisory Aides and other staff during recess and lunch breaks.
  • Students must refrain from any dangerous activity such as wrestling, play fighting and tackle football. Common sense and fair play must always be adhered to while at school.
  • All school equipment is to be used for its intended purpose.
  • Natural areas of the school ground should be treated with respect. Students are not permitted to damage plants, play with sticks or dig holes on the school grounds.

Statements of Philosophy

Ministry of Education 

The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.

Surrey School District 

Our mission is to provide a safe and caring environment in which all learners can achieve academic excellence, personal growth and responsible citizenship.

School Philosophy

As well as ascribing to the philosophies of the Ministry and the District, we at Ocean Cliff Elementary School believe:  

  • that pupils should pursue and be recognized for academic, artistic and athletic growth and excellence
  • that programs and the school climate be designed to motivate student learning and promote an attitude of respect and caring for all people
  • that the virtues of respect and responsibility are reflected in our work and play
  • that learning is enhanced by working with children of mixed abilities and ages
  • that students be provided opportunities to develop qualities of self-reliance and interdependence 

Mission Statement for Ocean Cliff Elementary 

At Ocean Cliff Elementary, our mission is to develop the intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and artistic capabilities of students. It is our commitment to assist students to develop their full individual potential as life-long learners.

The Guiding Principles of Ocean Cliff Elementary

The guiding principles in operation at Ocean Cliff Elementary include:

  • We recognize that education is a lifelong journey. In this journey there is adventure and hard work.
  • We strive to model a positive team environment where all individuals are valued members.
  • We provide a positive, safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, staff and teachers.
  • We are all learning together. Various learning opportunities will be provided for all members of the community.
  • We believe that our school is a place where all can succeed, set attainable goals, develop a positive self-concept and be a contributing member of the school community.
  • We recognize and respect individual differences. We provide all of our students, regardless of their individual needs, with a learning environment that promotes and enhances their personal learning abilities.
  • We continue to grow and change as a school. We recognize that change is a constant in our society. Therefore, flexibility in thinking and problem solving are promoted to adapt and succeed in a changing world.


Summary of Regulation Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – 9410.2

  1. District Responsibilities

The educational programs in 草莓社区 shall include curriculum topics and learning resources that reaffirm the inclusion of all members of our community regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The District shall establish consistent, widely understood and maintained school-based policies and practices to ensure that LGBTQIA2+ members and their families are welcomed accepted and included in all aspects of education and school life. This includes the promotion and implementation of respectful and proactive strategies to support students and staff of all sexual orientations or gender identities. 

  1. Conduct

To ensure the rights of LGBTQIA2+ students and/or employees are respected, each school and district worksite’s code of conduct will prohibit language or behavior of a discriminatory nature or incites hatred, prejudice or harassment toward staff or students on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identification.  All staff have the collective responsibility to identify discriminatory attitudes and behavior, to intervene, and to convey that it goes against policy. Guideline and practices should include procedures to resolve complaints and policies should be reviewed with staff and students annually.

  1. Curricular Learning and Library Resources

Administrations actively support teaching positive images about history and culture of LGBTQIA2+ members. Educational Resources will be made available at all grade levels. District encourages the formation of Gay/Straight Alliance clubs at Secondary level and at the Elementary level will encourage development of Social Justice or Diversity clubs.

  1. In-Service and Education

Safe Harbour – school will provide at least one staff member who is designated as a contact for students or staff who identify themselves as LGBTQIA2+. In addition, training and resources shall be offered to the Safe Harbour designate. All staff share a collective responsibility of creating safe and supportive learning environments of LGBTQIA2+ students and staff. 

  1. Home, School and Community Relations

The District shall work to support parents to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The District shall acknowledge that many students will identify as LGBTQ or live in LGBTQIA2+ families and shall be positively recognized and included as such at all grade levels. 

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