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Things to Know About PM

Things To Know About Princess Margaret Secondary





Students found to be under the influence of or in possession of alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will face a suspension from school. 

Students who are in the company of others under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs can also expect consequences. This code of conduct applies for all school-related activities regardless of the time or location.




No pets should be brought to school. It creates a disruption and could cause sanitation and health problems.




Regular school attendance is a major factor contributing to student success in school. Poor attendance is disruptive to the educational process, not only for the absent students who fall behind in their assigned work, but also other students and teachers who must now delay their learning and teaching to help the student get caught up. A student who misses classes may also miss tests or have low test scores, miss the days homework or fail to hand in assignments for grading. It is always the responsibility of the student to make up all missed work. Parents, students and staff must work together to ensure regular attendance in order to improve student success.


a) Student Illness/Signing out

Parents are asked to phone the school before 9:00 am to report a student absent from school. A student who feels ill while at school should report to the office. The office staff will make sure that parents are contacted in cases where a student should be sent home or to the hospital. The school will not normally provide medication to students. Accidents and emergencies should be reported to the office immediately. Students who wish to leave the school must sign out at the office. Students may either bring a note or contact a parent while in the office. Students who do not sign out will be considered truant.


b) Extended Absences

If a student is going to be absent for a period longer than five school days parents are requested to complete a “Student Missing School Time” form. These forms are available from the main office. Students are responsible for all missed work, which includes any tests or assignments to be handed in. Students missing 25 consecutive school days face the risk of being withdrawn from school.


c) Students Dropped Off Late in the Morning

To ensure that a student being dropped off is not late for their first class please have all students dropped off at school by 8:20 at the latest. Students who arrive late should proceed directly to their first class unless they have a note excusing the late. All notes should be brought first to the main office where the student will sign in and receive a late slip.


d) Unexcused Absences and being Late to class

Any time a student misses a class without either the parent’s knowledge or permission they are considered truant. As well students are expected to be on time, in their seats when the bell rings. A student who fails to attend class (truant) or does not attend class on time (late) will become the focus of the school’s attendance policy.


e) Attendance Policy at PM.

Any student who accumulates absences and/or lates may have the following consequences:

i.        Discussion with your teacher and consequences.

ii.       Parent phone call and/or meeting with the teacher.

iii.      Meeting with the vice-principal as well as the student being placed on an attendance card to monitor their attendance.

iv.       In-school suspension.


The policy is designed for students to demonstrate their ability to correct any issues they have with attendance or being late to class. If a student does correct the problem then the there is no need to move on to the next step in the process.

f) Parent Communication with the School regarding Attendance

By phoning or emailing the school or sending a note to the office, parents, students and staff can work together to ensure that all attendance records are accurate. The focus of the schools attendance program is to deter unexcused absences and students being late to class. Excused absences are not counted towards consequences. 




Bullying or intimidation will not be tolerated at Princess Margaret. All students who engage in this behaviour will be dealt with immediately and may be deprived of the opportunity to attend school. Students should report this behaviour to the office or a teacher.


Cell Phones


Students are not permitted to use any digital devices during classroom activities or exams, unless instructed by a teacher. Students are not permitted to use a cell phone to take a picture or make a video in a classroom. The school accepts no responsibility if phones are lost or stolen. Cell phones are commonly and easily stolen from students and the school does not have the time and resources to investigate the thefts.




Cheating occurs when a person deliberately uses another person’s work (written, electronic, or visual) and presents it as his/her own with the intent to deceive. Cheating also occurs when a person allows his/her work to be used in this way. Plagiarism involves using other people’s words, works and/or ideas without proper acknowledgement.


Both cheating and plagiarism are dishonest, unethical and violate the value of learning and the integrity of our school community. Any form of cheating or plagiarism, including assisting others to cheat or plagiarize, will not be tolerated. Examples of cheating and plagiarism include:

•   Using ideas or words from books, magazines, song lyrics, internet or other resources without giving credit to the source.

•   Submitting someone else’s work as your own.

•   Using unauthorized notes, books or other materials during an exam.

•   Taking exams for others.

•   Obtaining and/or providing unauthorized information prior to or during an examination -- verbally, visually, or through

unauthorized use of books, notes and other materials.

•   Altering or changing answers after the exam has been submitted.

•   Altering or changing grades after the grades have been awarded.

•   Borrowing homework.

•   Use of internet translators to complete assignments, unless authorized by a teacher.

•   Submitting work completed for another course without the approval of the teacher.

•   Any other attempt to improve grades using means that have not been or would not be approved by your teacher.




Students are required to dress in an acceptable manner suited to the activity in which they are involved. Clothing worn is to be appropriate for a public secondary school.  Items of clothing more suitable for the beach should not be worn at school. Students not showing good judgment in their clothing will be sent home to change or be asked to change.


Inappropriate attire includes:

•   Sexually explicit or suggestive designs.

•   Profanity or violence.

•   Threatening language.

•   Symbol(s) of alcohol and/or drugs.

•   Derogatory and/or discriminatory language.

•   Beach attire.


School Dances

Students who wish to attend a Princess Margaret Secondary School sponsored dance must observe the following school policies: 

Entering and Leaving the Dance

•  Student I.D. cards will be required at the door.

•  Alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants will not be tolerated at school dances. (Students under the influence of alcohol

or drugs, or in possession, can expect to be suspended from school.)

•  Any student/guest who appears intoxicated will be refused entry. Students may also be required to undergo

a non-evasive search prior to entry.

•  Doors close after 30 minutes from the beginning of the dance. No student will be admitted after 30 minutes unless

special permission has been arranged in advance.

•  If a student leaves the dance, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter.

•  A student under suspension will not be admitted.

•  A student who is absent from school the day of the dance will not be admitted to the dance unless appropriately



Other Functions

•  When Princess Margaret students attend a school function off the school premises, the same responsible behaviour and practices are expected of students as at Princess Margaret school dances. The standard of the school is measured by the behaviour of each student at the function. Students who act in a responsible manner bring honour to themselves and to our school.




An elevator is available for staff and students who have an injury or impairment that prevents them from using the stairs. Students who need to use the elevator may get an elevator key from the office.


Firecrackers and Fireworks


Each year people are injured due to improper use of, or defective firecrackers. It is also illegal to possess or sell firecrackers. For these reasons, students are not to have firecrackers either on or around the school property. For the safety of all, students are asked to cooperate fully in this matter. Students who choose to bring firecrackers or fireworks to school may face suspension.




The school gymnasiums are primarily P.E. teaching areas. Students not in a P.E. class should stay away from the gym while P.E. classes are in session. No student should be engaged in activities in either the gym or weight room unless under the direct supervision of a teacher. Schedules outlining the use of the gym before school, during lunch and after school will be published during the course of the year.




The Library plays a central and important role in the development of concepts and learning skills at Princess Margaret. In general, library hours are from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, unless otherwise notoffers additional curriculum support for library research units. Please see Mr. Mann in the library for home access passwords.




During the second week of school lockers are issued to students by the office.  Lockers are only issued to students who want one, and have paid their student fee.  Each locker has a registered school lock that must be used – personal locks are not allowed.  Students cannot switch lockers. Students should keep all their school materials in the locker when the items are not in use.


To avoid loss of textbooks and personal belongings, students should not tell other students their lock combinations. It is recommended that items of value, such as large sums of money, cell phones or digital devices, etc., not be brought to school or left in lockers. For health reasons, no food matter is to be left in lockers overnight.


Lockers are the property of the Surrey School District and may be subject to search by the administration. The annual locker and lock charge is part of the student activity fee and is nonrefundable. Locks must remain on lockers until the end of the school year.


Lost and Found


Students finding articles which do not belong to them should turn them into the office. Students are responsible for the care and safety of all their personal belongings. The school cannot accept responsibility for lost or stolen articles. However, all thefts should be reported to a Vice-Principal immediately.  Please look for your lost clothing items in the lost and found bin in the gym hallway.  Please look for smaller items or items of value in the office.


Off of School Grounds” Incidents


Students involved in incidents which take place off school grounds may be held accountable to the school code of conduct if the events impact the school in a negative manner.




Senior students may park in the school parking lot at the northwest side of the school. Students driving irresponsibly or recklessly may lose parking lot privileges. 


It is the student’s responsibility to understand the following regulations. Failure to respect any of the following regulations may result in the towing of a student’s vehicle and/or the loss of parking privileges.



  • Student parking is not allowed in the visitor spaces at the front of the school.
  • Students must park within the yellow lines, and not take up two spaces with their vehicles. 
  • Safe driving habits are to be practiced at all times.
  • The maximum speed limit on all school driveways and parking lots is 10km/hr.
  • All school driveways have been designated by the Fire Department as “Fire Lanes.” Parking is not allowed in these lanes. Vehicles parked illegally will be towed away/impounded at the expense of the owner.
  • The school is not responsible for any vandalism or damage incurred to any vehicle while on school property.
  • Students must not park in the handicapped parking stalls unless they display a valid handicapped parking decal.


Smoking and Vaping


Princess Margaret Secondary is a smoke and vape free school. No smoking or vaping will be permitted on school property. Violation of this school policy will result in a consequence from a Vice-Principal.


Social Media: On-line Behaviour


Students must be very cautious in how they use social media.  On-line bullying will not be tolerated and will be dealt with very serious consequences.  Students are encouraged to treat people on-line the same way that they would face-to-face, and not pretend to be someone they are not.  Sharing inappropriate material with others as a means of harming someone else is also a form of bullying and will be strictly dealt with. 




There is no rental fee charged for the use of textbooks. If a textbook is lost, the student will be required to pay for the textbook at the price listed by the school. Refunds will be given if lost textbooks are found and returned to the classroom teacher. Classroom teachers are responsible for the distribution and collection of textbooks and the billing of students who may lose a textbook. Textbook bills must be paid at the office throughout the school year.


It is the student’s responsibility to see that they return all textbooks to their teachers in the same condition in which they received them.


Vacations (during school)


The school is not in a position to grant or deny permission to any student to miss school for an extended holiday period although it is important to be aware of the possible effects of the absence on a student’s achievement. However, when this extended absence is absolutely necessary, parents should discuss the matter in advance with the school administration and the subject teacher(s). It is not required that teachers provide work for students on vacation. Please note that an absence of over 25 days can result in de-registration from school. A student will be required to complete a “Student Missing School Time” form before leaving and file it at the office.




All visitors are required to report to the office upon arrival at Princess Margaret to receive authorization for their presence. Visitors who come with an important purpose are always welcome in our school. People who arrive with no particular purpose in mind, however, are asked to leave. Do not invite people to visit you at Princess Margaret during school time. By the same token, Princess Margaret students are not permitted to visit other schools unless expressly invited by that school’s administration.




A weapon is defined as any instrument designed to inflict injury or intimidate another person, or any instrument that is used in this manner.  The possession and/or use of weapons on or near school property represents a serious threat to the safety and security of all students and staff. Any use or possession of a weapon will result in a severe consequence, ranging from school disciplinary action to charges being laid depending on the circumstance of the incident.  Consultation with the RCMP and the District will occur in these matters.


Please note that “toy guns” and “replicas” are by their very nature intimidating and therefore will not be allowed on school premises. Intimidation with a toy gun or replica of a real gun will be treated as a serious matter.


Students’ Rights


Each student has the right:


•  to receive responsible and competent instruction.

•  to receive a clear statement, in advance, in writing, of what is expected of students in each course.

•  to select courses best suited to personal needs (based on consultation with parents and staff).

•  to be represented in a properly constituted student government body.

•  to form clubs.

•  to be free of discrimination based on race, religion, sex, nationality, economic status or political belief.

•  to have access to a fair hearing for grievances.


Students’ Responsibilities


Each student has the responsibility:


•  to accept the consequences of his/her own actions.

•  to strive to give the best effort in his/her studies and participate in class activities to the best of his/her ability.

•  to show consideration for the feelings of others.

•  to respect the rights and property of other students and staff.

•  to bring to the attention of staff any conditions potentially harmful to the students in the school.

•  to do his/her best to keep lockers, classrooms, cafeteria, and the school clean.


Technology Use and Policy


Students who wish to have access to technology resources in the school must complete, with their parent/guardian, the District Technology Access and Use Agreement form.  Students using technology resources are expected to do so responsibly and ethically.


Students are reminded that any activity that involves the use of school technology falls under the jurisdiction of the school and that all communication is subject to monitoring and is not considered being private. Therefore, students who use school computers must conduct themselves appropriately.


Princess Margaret Secondary provides internet access and E-mail accounts for authorized users. School internet access is a privilege, not a right. School internet users must understand and agree to the District School Internet/Mail Use Policy and have appropriate signatures on their Internet Registration Form.


Only these students can access the internet through school computers including library computers. School accounts shall be used only by the authorized owner of the account.  Account holders are responsible for all activity within their account. Students are therefore reminded to log off after each computer session.


Violations of District School Acceptable Use Guidelines are serious transgressions of school rules. Consequences may include cancellation of internet use privileges, exclusion from certain courses, and suspension from school. Violations of Canadian law may be referred to the police. Users will be held legally and financially responsible for their actions


Technology vandalism will not be tolerated. In addition to any malicious damage to school or private property, vandalism also includes, but is not limited to: attempts to harm or destroy data of another user, the internet, or other networks or agencies connected to any part of the internet; use of programs that harass users or infiltrate a computer system and/or damage the software components. Furthermore, without specific permission for each occasion, the school network cannot be used for personal E-mail, chat lines, games, downloading or installing of executable program files.


Inappropriate use of the internet includes, but is not limited to:


•  Transmission of illegal materials including storage or duplication of pornographic material.

•  Transmission or posting of threatening, abusive or obscene material.

•  Harassment of others.

•  Use of abusive, vulgar, profane, obscene or other inappropriate language.

•  Attempts to vandalize or gain unauthorized access to data, servers or external services.

•  Use of another’s account or resources.

•  Sharing of passwords with others.

•  Revealing another person’s personal address, phone number, picture, or other data without personal or parental

consent, as appropriate.


Getting Involved with Athletics, Councils and Clubs: 


School isn’t just a building with rooms where learning occurs. It is a place where things happen and students make things happen. Student 

involvement in course work and in other activities will make the school what they want it to be. School sports, clubs and activities, for example, will only be as successful as students make them. Students who get involved with school activities will enrich their stay at Princess Margaret with good friends and fond memories.


Princess Margaret Secondary School attempts to meet each student’s demands for educational development. The school, as well as stressing 

competence in the core subject areas, provides students with an opportunity to select other subjects from a wide variety of elective courses.


The curriculum and extra-curricular programs allow students an opportunity to become involved in choosing a rich and rewarding educational

experience at Princess Margaret Secondary School.




Various clubs are available for students to join. There is also an opportunity for students to request that a new club be formed. Students should be encouraged to discover the many clubs offered for PM students!


Grad Council


Grad Council is composed of grade 12 students who meet regularly to plan activities such as the annual Senior Dance, Spirit Events and Grad Banquet.


Students’ Council


The Students’ Council consists of many students who come together to plan and organize many school functions throughout the year. The council runs such activities as school dances, spirit weeks, contests, fund-raising events and other worthwhile projects. They operate best if students support them with suggestions and cooperation. The Students’ Council exists to provide services for the people it represents.

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