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Parent Zone

Communicating with your school

The team at Salish are eager to address your questions or concerns. Education is shared between the home and the school, and good communication is an excellent starting point for resolving an issue.

Build a positive relationship with your school

Be involved:

  1. Support and work with your child's teacher (s)
  2. Participate with Parent Advisory Council (PAC) HERE
  3. Attend school events and activities
  4. Support your child's learning at home
  5. Stay informed of your child's progress in school


  1. Sign up for the Surrey School District App HERE
  2. Sign up for the Wolves E-genda 
  3. Login into to see your student(s) class schedule, attendance, and report cards.
  4. Staff lists for all the Salish team can be found HERE.
  5. Sign up for School Cash Online .
  6. Take opportunities to get to know the people who work with your child(ren)
  7. Ask your child about their school day
  8. Keep the school informed about issues that may affect your child. Do not wait for a small problem to become a large concern

Resolving Issues and Concerns:

  1. Arrange a phone appointment or in-person meeting so that your concerns can be heard without distraction (emailing to arrange a date and time works well).
  2. Organize your thoughts before the meeting. 
  3. Keep focused on the issue. Remember, we are all here to ensure the success of your child.
  4. Treat others with dignity and respect and expect that in return.
  5. Try to look at both sides of the issue and listen to everyone.
  6. Work with people at each step in the process to try and address your issue or concern before proceeding to the next step.

Parents and guardians are urged to contact the school if they are unsure of the message or have questions about an activity or issue. It is usually best to begin with the classroom or subject teacher. The vast majority of issues or concerns are resolved at this stage. If you are not satisfied, then you may wish to contact the vice principal or counsellor to request assistance in dealing with the matter. A child's problem is best solved when the people closest to the problem work together to find a solution.

Guidelines for Parents to follow when there is an issue or concern.

Step 1:

Start with the person whose action has given rise to the issue or concern.

Step 2:

If the issue is not resolved, contact the school's vice-principal or counsellor. Principals work hard to provide a learning environment where your child's needs and the needs of other students are met.

Step 3:

If the issue is not resolved, contact the school’s principal. The principal will work on behalf of the School District to address the issue or concern. The principal may include District Counsellors or other senior management in resolving the concern or issue. 

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