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Fraser Heights Scholarships & Awards

Scholarship, Contest and Student Opportunities Information Page

                            The online school scholarship link will be open Feb 28 to Apr 5        

This page is intended to provide additional assistance to students in their search for opportunities that may be of value to them as they pursue different options in their education.

The responsibility to find and successfully apply for scholarships or other opportunities is that of the student. The information on this page is provided as a form of assistance.  There is no undertaking made or implied that the information is accurate or current.  

The page is intended to serve:

  1. As a supplement to the announcements that are made during the week,
  2. As a supplement to the information that is provided through the Notifications function on the Firehawks App,
  3. As a supplement to the information provided on the school monitors,
  4. As a replacement for the Grad Memos that were previously forwarded to interested students.

Provincial Scholarship Program

A summary of the provisions of the Provincial Scholarships Program is set out below.  For full details, see the Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program at (hereafter referred to as the Handbook – excerpts copied with permission).  It is expected that similar provisions will apply this year.  Check for any updates in scholarship application requirements and for full particulars of the application process.

The Provincial Scholarships Program provides the following scholarships:

  1. BC Achievement Scholarship Value $1250
  2. District/Authority Scholarship Value $1250
  3. BC Excellence Scholarship Value $5000
  4. Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship Value $5000

Recipients of any of the available scholarships must meet the BASIC ELIGIBILITY requirements.  The requirements that will apply to most students are:

  1. Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (Landed Immigrant) at the time of registration in the school year for which the scholarship is awarded.
  2. Must be a BC resident.
  3. Must be or have been enrolled in a British Columbia public school in the school year for which the scholarship is awarded

Additional Requirements:

  1. Students must meet the specific criteria for the scholarship for which they apply,
  2. Students may qualify for scholarships only for the school year in which they graduate, and
  3. Complete all graduation requirements by the end of August in their graduating year.

BC Achievement Scholarship

  • BC Achievement Scholarships recognize the top 8000 graduates in the province. The Ministry will determine recipients based on achievement in Grades I0, II, and 12 courses that satisfy 2018 Graduation Program requirements, including elective courses. Grad Transitions will not be included.
  • Students do not apply for this scholarship.

District/Authority Scholarships

  • There are 5500 District/Authority Scholarships distributed across school districts and independent school authorities that recognize graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen area of interest or strength. Winners receive a $1250 scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition ()
  • Applications are made to the school’s Scholarship Committee in conjunction with applications for Fraser Heights Secondary School Scholarships. These applications are available at the beginning of March and will be linked in the Documents Appendix at the end of this page.
  • Applicants must meet the criteria determined by the FH Scholarship Committee and demonstrate outstanding achievement in any of the following areas:
Area of AchievementExample

Indigenous Language and Culture

Demonstrated at school or in the community 
Fine Arts

Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies

Business, Technology, Home Economics, Information Communication Technology

Physical Activity

Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education

International Languages

International Languages Curriculum or External Assessments, including AP and IB courses

Community Service (Volunteer Activity)

Includes awareness of local, global, and cultural issues

Technical and Trades TrainingAutomotive, Robotics, Coding, Woodwork, Culinary Arts 


BC Excellence Scholarship

  • There are 55 BC Excellence Scholarships available to recognize well-rounded BC graduates. Winners will have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and shown aptitude and commitment to their chosen career paths (Handbook 108)
  • A student must be nominated by their secondary school in order to apply for this scholarship. Only one student from each school may be nominated.
    • The school nomination process begins in November and the successful nominee must submit their application to the Scholarship Program.  These dates are subject to change, so it is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up on changes made to deadlines.
  • Specific grade requirements must be met. These will be sent out in the nomination package.
  • Students cannot receive both a BC Excellence Scholarship and a Pathways to Education Scholarship.

Pathway to Education Scholarship

  • The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Each recipient will receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education ()
  • Applications must be submitted to the Ministry no later than February 15th.   These dates are subject to change, so it is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up on changes made to deadlines.

Scholarship Vouchers

  • Winners will receive a voucher by mail in the fall of their high school graduation year. The vouchers can be redeemed when the student is registered and attending a designated post-secondary institution (i.e. approved for Canada Student Loans by B.C.) or an authorized trades training provider in BC and has paid tuition equal to or greater than the amount of the voucher. To verify if an institution is designated, visit . To check if a trades training provider is authorized, visit
  • The expiry dates are stated on the vouchers.
  • To redeem your voucher:
    • Have an authorized institution representative stamp and sign your voucher as confirmation of registration, attendance, and payment of tuition fees. Payment of tuition must be equal to or greater than the amount of the voucher.
    • Provide your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and email address on the voucher in the space provided and ensure your mailing address is correct (or if incorrect, provide a current address).
    • Mail to the correct Ministry address.
    • Your cheque should be received in approximately six to eight weeks () 

Fraser Heights Scholarships

Contributions from businesses, community organizations, our Elementary feeder schools, the Parent Advisory Council and others are received by Fraser Heights and are made available in the form of scholarships to support graduating students.

  • The criteria for the various scholarship vary but, in general, include such criterion as involvement in school or school-supported activities, grades, character, involvement in the community, athletics or other specific requirements determined by the donor.
    • Students may be disqualified from receiving an award for incidents of poor citizenship, cheating/plagiarism, or other actions that reflect poorly on their character or as a student of Fraser Heights.
  • Scholarship recipients are determined by the school’s Scholarship Committee.

Fraser Heights Scholarship Program – Specific Scholarships Requiring School Support

  • Throughout the school year, various scholarships become available through outside organizations that require specific school support. These opportunities, when possible, will be publicized and included in the Scholarship Calendar.
  • Some scholarship that require the applicant to have school support include:
    • Loran Awards (Sponsored Applications) – Other students may apply to the Direct Pool.
    • National Scholarship Program
    • Schulich Leader Scholarships
    • BC Excellence Scholarships
  • Various Financial need awards (Speak to Mr. Maion or a member of the Scholarship Committee)

Fraser Heights Scholarship Program – District/Authority Scholarships

See the information on the District/Authority Scholarships under the Provincial Scholarship section earlier on this page.

The Fraser Heights Scholarship program includes the allocation of the District/Authority Scholarships that are provided to the school through the School District based on the size of the graduating class – generally FH receives approximately 30. The value of each of these scholarships is currently $1250.00.

All scholarships given out through Fraser Heights Secondary School (including those provided to the school through the District) and are granted only to students who have fully completed their Grad Transition requirements prior to the date established each year – generally around April 1.

Links to the application form for a Fraser Heights scholarship or for a District/Authority Scholarship will be found in the Documents Appendix at the end of this page.  Forms are updated and modified frequently and may not be available until the application process opens.  It is essential that students use the current application forms to ensure that their application is received.

External Scholarships

District Information

  • See the information available through the links on the Surrey School District website.
    • If you are applying for a Partners 36 Scholarship, it is essential that:
      • You use the current year’s application form, and
      • You complete your application using a keyboard.
      • Handwritten applications and applications on forms from previous years will NOT be considered by the District Committee.

Affiliation and Other External Sources

  • Many businesses, industries, unions, clubs, demographic groups (religious, ethnic, ….) and other organizations provide scholarships for the children of their employees or individuals who are connected to or part of those groups.  Be certain to determine if any such scholarships apply to you. 
  • Various programs are available through the Canadian Armed Forces that pay for university or college expenses, or to train for a career in the Armed Forces.
    • Paid education and other benefits
      • Follow the link to
    • Scholarships and Bursaries – Families within the CF Community
      • A variety of scholarships and bursaries are available to serving and former Canadian Forces members and their families.
      • Follow the link to CF Families.
    • Royal Military College
      • The RMC Officer Training Program is a possibility for those seeking a career in the Armed Forces.
      • Follow the link to

 There are other opportunities that may fit your particular circumstances. Look for them. 

Student Profile and Request for a Letter of Reference

  • A form that may be of use to you in describing your achievements and development in support of a letter of reference can be found below. 
  • This form should be downloaded to your personal computer and treated as a ‘live’ document. Update and add to it regularly.


The forms that are available can be found by clicking on each link.  

  1. Once you have secured your teacher reference the teacher will fill in the online reference form. 
  2. Fraser Heights Scholarship Online Application Form.
  3. Fraser Heights Scholarship Information and Criteria.  Scholarships listed are based on information from previous years and are expected to be available.  Some may not be funded this year.  In that event, you will be considered for an alternate scholarship of similar value. See the resource link below.
  4. District/Authority Scholarship Scoring Rubric
     has not been updated from 2017 and is for information only.
  5. Schulich Scholarship – Application for School Nomination.  Information on the application for the school nomination is available 
  6. BC Excellence Award – Application for School Nomination.  Instructions for the application for the school nomination for this year’s Grads can be found 
    This is not an open competition.  You must receive the school’s nomination in order to apply.
  7. Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship – The version required for the current year’s application will be available on the Ministry website.  

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